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Usaid Ibn Hudair (May Allah be pleased with him) spent his life as a humble worshipper,

sacrificing his energy and money in the cause of goodness, and putting the advice of the Messenger of

Allah (PBUH) to the Ansaars in his mind: "!Be patient until you meet me in the realm of Paradise.!"

He was the object of honor and love by As-Siddiiq because of his religiosity and noble manners. He

also had the same status in the heart of the Commander of the Faithful `Umar and in the hearts of all the


Listening to his voice while reciting Qur'aan was one of the greatest honors that the Companions

aspired to. His voice was so humble and resonant that the Messenger (PBUH) said about it that the

angels came near its possessor one night to hear it.

In the month of Shaaban A.H. 20, Usaid died. The Commander of the Faithful `Umar insisted on

carrying his bier on his shoulders. Under the earth of Al-Baqii', the Companions buried the body of a

great believer. They went back to Al-Madiinah remembering his virtues and repeating the noble

Messenger's words about him: "What an excellent man Usaid Ibn Hudair is!"