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Usaid decided to use his intelligence. He knew that Sa'd Ibn Mu'aadh was well known for his pure

nature and keen determination. He knew that Islam was not far from him. He only needed to hear what

he himself had heard of Allah's word, which the Messenger's envoy to them, Mus'ab lbn Umair, was

good at reciting and explaining. But if he said to Sa'd, I've embraced Islam; go and embrace it, the

outcome would not have been ensured. He had to prompt Sa'd in a way that would push him to Mus`ab's

gathering in order to see and listen. How could he do this?

As we said before, Mus'ab was a guest at As'ad Ibn Zuraarah's house. As'ad Ibn Zuraarah was Sa'd

lbn Mu'aadh's cousin. So Usaid said to Sa'd, "I was told that the Haarithah tribe went out to kill As'ad Ibn

Zuraarah and they know he is your cousin."

Angry and heated, Sa'd took his spear and ran fast to where Sa'd, Mus`ab, and the Muslims with

them were sitting. When he came near the gathering, he found nothing but quiet overwhelming them

while Mus`ab Ibn `Umair sat in the middle of them reciting Allah's verses humbly, and they carefully

listened to him.

Just then he realized the trick that Usaid had played on him to make him go to this gathering and

listen to what the envoy of Islam, Mus`ab Ibn `Umair was saying. So, Usaid's insight into his friend's

character proved to be accurate.

Sa'd had hardly heard the Qur'aan when Allah opened his heart to Islam, and soon he took his place

among the first believers.

Usaid bore a strong, bright belief in his heart and mind, and his belief made him full of patience

discernment, and sound appraisal that made him a trustworthy man.

During the expedition against Bani Al-Mustaliq, Abd Allah Ibn Ubaiy was so furious that he said to

the people of Al-Madiinah around him, "You've let them enter your town and share your money. By

Allah, if you cease giving them what you have, they'll turn to another place. By Allah, if we return to Al-

Madiinah, indeed the more honorable will expel the meaner from there."

The venerable Companion, Zaid Ibn Arqam heard these poisoned hypocritical words, so he had to

inform the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). The Messenger (PBUH) was much hurt. When he met Usaid he

said, "Don't you know what your friend has said?" Usaid asked, "Which friend, O Messenger of Allah?"

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) answered, "`Abd Allah Ibn Ubaiy." Usaid said, "What did he say?" The

Messenger said, "He claimed that if he returned to Al-Madiinah, the more honorable will expel the

meaner from there." Then Usaid said, "By Allah, you, O Messenger of Allah, will expel him from there,

by Allah's permission. By Allah, he is the meaner and you are the more honorable."

He added, "O Messenger of Allah, treat him gently. By Allah, Allah brought you to us while the

people of Abd Allah were preparing to crown him king of Al-Madiinah. He sees that Islam has deprived

him of kingship."

With this calm, profound thinking, Usaid used to solve problems using his presence of mind.

On the Day of As-Saqiifah, just after the death of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), a group of the

Ansaar headed by Sa'd Ibn `Ubaadah announced their right to succession and debated furiously. Usaid,

who was a prominent Ansaar, as we know, took a positive attitude in settling the matter and his words

were like the dispelling of shadows on the course of events. He stood to address the group of Ansaar:

"You know that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was one of the Muhaajiruun. His successor, then,

should be one of the Muhaajiruun. We used to be the Ansaar of the Messenger of Allah. Today we have

to be the Ansaar of his successor."

And his words brought peace and safety.