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While his soul was preparing for its new journey, his eyes were dripping tears and his tongue was

stammering, "I'm afraid of being held up by my friends because of what I had of abundant money. But

soon, Allah's calmness overwhelmed him, and tender happiness covered his peaceful face. His ears

listened closely, as if there were a sweet voice coming near them. Perhaps he was listening then to the

truth of the Messenger's words (PBUH) to him, "`Abd Ar-Rahman Ibn `Awf will enter Paradise." Maybe

he was listening also to Allah's promise in His book: "Those who spend their wealth in Cause of Allah,

and do not follow up their gifts with reminders of their generosity or with injury, their reward is with

their Lord. On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve" (2: 262).



Shaded by Angels!

When the seventy Ansaar gave their allegiance to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in the Second

Pledge of `Aqabah, `Abd Allah Ibn `Amr Ibn Hiraam, also known as Abu Jaabir Ibn `Abd Allah, was one

of them. When the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) chose some leaders among them, `Abd Allah Ibn `Amr

was one of these leaders. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) made him the leader of his people, the Bani

Salamah. When they returned to Al-Madiinah, he sacrificed himself, his money, and his family in the

service of Islam. After the Messenger's Hijrah to Al-Madiinah, Abu Jaabir found utmost enjoyment in

accompanying the Prophet (PBUH) day and night.

In the Battle of Badr, he went out fighting like a hero. At Uhud he dreamed of his death before the

Muslims went out to battle. He was overwhelmed by a true sense that he was not coming back, and his

heart was full of joy. He called to him his son Jaabir Ibn Abd Allah, the noble Companion, and said, "I

see myself killed in this battle. Maybe I'll be the first martyr among the Muslims. By Allah, I'll leave no

one that I like more than you after the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). I am in debt, so pay my debts and

make your brothers your own concern.

The next morning the Muslims went out to encounter the Quraish that had come in an uproarious

army to invade their peaceful city. A dreadful battle raged, at the beginning of which the Muslims

achieved rapid victory. It could have been a decisive victory but for the archers, whom the Messenger

(PBUH) had ordered to stay at their positions and never to leave them, who were tempted by this quick

victory over the Quraish. They left their positions on the mountain and were preoccupied with gathering

the booty of the defeated army! The Quraish quickly gathered its scattered remnants when it found the

Muslims' back completely exposed. They surprised them by a quick attack from behind, changing the

Muslim victory into defeat.

During this bitter fight, `Abd Allah lbn Amr died as a martyr. When the Muslims went to find their

martyrs after the fighting had ended, Jaabir Ibn `Abd Allah went to search for his father. He found him

among the martyrs, whom the polytheists had made a dreadful display of along with other heroes. Jaabir

and some of his family were crying over the martyr of Islam `Abd Allah Ibn `Amr Ibn Hiraam when the

Messenger of Allah (PBUH) passed by. He said, "Cry over him or not, the angels are here to shade him

with their wings!"

Abu Jaabir's belief was strong. His love, or even eagerness, to die in the cause of Allah was his

greatest ambition. Afterward, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) announced the great news that depicted

his great fondness of martyrdom. One day he (PBUH) said to `Abd Allah's son Jaabir, "O Jaabir, Allah

has never spoken to anyone but from behind a veil, but He has spoken to me face to face. He said, `O

slave, ask Me to give you.' He said, `O Allah, I ask You to return me to earth, to be killed again in Your

cause.' Allah answered him," I said before: They will not return to them.' He said, `O Allah, then inform