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In the first days of `Umar's caliphate, Sa'd went to the Commander of the Faithful and said with his

extreme candor, "By Allah, we prefer your companion Abu Bakr over you. By Allah, I cannot stand to

live near you." `Umar calmly answered, "Anyone who hates his company should seek a better one

elsewhere." Sa'd said, "I will indeed seek better company somewhere else."

Sa'd words to `Umar were not an expression of hate or spite, for the man who was satisfied with the

Prophet's love as his reward cannot possibly deny loyalty to such a man as `Umar, whom the Prophet

(PBUH) had always cherished and honored. It was just that Sa'd Ibn `Ubaadah did not want to wait

around for some event to come up and result in an inevitable dispute between him and the Commander of

the Faithful `Umar Ibn Al- Khattaab, a thing he did not want or accept. Sa'd was one of the Companions

whom the Qur'aan described as "merciful among themselves." He traveled to Syria. Shortly after he had

settled in the Hauran plateau, he died and went back to the Lord the Most Merciful.