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The Hawk of The Day of Al-Yamaamah

One day the Prophet (PBUH) sat with a group of Muslims, and while they were talking, the

Messenger paused, then spoke to those who were sitting around him saying, "Among you there is a man

whose molar in He is greater than Mount Uhud."

Fright and terror appeared upon the faces of all those present because each one of them was afraid

lest he should be the person about whom the Prophet (PBUH) prophesied a dreadful end.

Years passed and all those Companions met their ends as martyrs except Abu Hurairah and Ar-

Rajjaal Ibn `Unfuwah, who were still alive. Abu Hurairah was extremely terrified by that prophecy and

did not feel comfortable until fate revealed the secret of the unfortunate man: Ar-Rajjaal Ibn `Unfuwah,

who apostatized from Islam and joined Musailamah the Liar, and thus witnessed the fulfillment of

prophecy upon him.

One day, Ar-Rajjaal Ibn `Unfuwah went to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and acknowledged him and

learned the teachings of Islam. Then he went to his people and did not return to Al Madiinah till the

death of the Prophet and the choice of As-siddiiq as the Caliph of the Muslims. Ar-Rajjaal told Abu Bakr

the news of the inhabitants of Al-Yamaamah and their support for Musailamah and proposed that he be

sent to Al-Yamaamah as an envoy in order to confirm Islam among them! The Caliph gave him

permission. Ar-Rajjaal went to Al-Yamaamah, and when he saw the numerous supporters of

Musailamah, he believed that they would be the victors. His perfidious nature caused him to reserve a

place in the prospective state of Musailamah. Consequently, he apostatized from Islam and joined

Musailamah, who promised him a prosperous future.

Ar-Rajjaal was more dangerous to Islam than Musailamah himself because he exploited his

previous association with Islam and the period he had lived with the Messenger in Al-Madiinah,

memorizing many verses of the Holy Qur'aan, and his intercession to Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased

with him), the Caliph of the Muslims. Ar-Rajjaal exploited all those things for evil purposes and

cunningly supported and confirmed the sovereignty of Musailamah and his false prophethood.

He walked among people saying that he heard the Messenger of Allah say that he had taken

Musailamah into partnership and when the Messenger (PBUH) died, he was worthy of carrying the

banner of prophethood and revelation after him.

The number of Musailamah's supporters increased to a great extent because of the lies of Ar-Rajjaal

and his cunning exploitation of his previous relationships with Islam and the Messenger (PBUH). When

the news of Ar-Rajjaal reached Al-Madiinah, the Muslims were exceedingly angry because of the lies of

this dangerous apostate who used to mislead people. His evil words and deeds expanded the range of the

war and intensified the conflict the Muslims had with their enemies and adversaries. The most anxious

and the most eager to meet Ar-Rajjaal was Zaid Ibn Al-Khattaab, whose heroism and fame was

outstanding in the biographies and books of Islamic history.

1 am sure that you have heard about Zaid Ibn Al-Khattaab. He was the brother of `Umar Ibn Al-

Khattaab (May Allah be pleased with both). Yes, he was his elder brother. He was older than `Umar Ibn

Al-Khattaab and he embraced Islam and gained the honor of martyrdom before him.