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The Carrier of the Ansaar Standard

Sa'd Ibn Mu'aadh is hardly ever mentioned without Sa'd Ibn `Ubaadah. Both were leaders of Al-

Madiinah. Sa'd lbn Mu'aadh was the leader of Al-Aws tribe and Sa'd Ibn `Ubaadah of Al Khazraj. Again,

both were foremost in Islamic faith. They witnessed the Pledge of Al-'Aqabah and lived next to the

Prophet (PBUH) as obedient and sincere believers and soldiers.

Sa'd Ibn `Ubaadah held a special position among the Ansaar as he had his share of the abuse and

torture Muslims were subjected to at the hands of the Quraish in Makkah. It was only natural that the

Quraish would torture those who lived in Makkah, but to torture a man from Al-Madiinah was rather

exceptional. `Ubaadah was not an ordinary man; he was a distinguished and influential leader. This was a

privilege that was enjoyed only by Sa'd Ibn `Ubaadah.

After the Pledge of Al-'Aqabah allegiance was concluded in secret and the Ansaar were getting

ready to travel, the Quraish found out about the allegiance the Ansaar had given to the Prophet (PBUH).

Their agreement with the Prophet (PBUH) allowed him to emigrate with his Companions to Al-Madiinah

to flee the power of polytheism and darkness and seek sanctuary and support there.

At that point, the Quraish lost self-control, so they went on hunting those who pledged the Prophet.

The disbelievers captured Sa'd Ibn `Ubaadah, tied his hands to his neck with his saddle girths, and

dragged him back to Makkah, where they beat and tortured him! How could this happen to Sa'd Ibn

`Ubaadah? He was the leader of Al-Madiinah who always helped anyone of the Quraish who needed

help, protected their trade, and was hospitable to them whenever they visited Al-Madiinah. Those who

captured and abused him surely did not know who he was. But even if they had known, would it have

made any difference? They were the ones who tortured the elite of Makkah when they committed

themselves to Islam, were they not? In those days, the Quraish were absolutely mad. They watched

ignorance collapse under the pressure of Truth, so the only thing that they could do was to avenge

themselves ruthlessly and heedlessly.

As we have already said, Sa'd Ibn `Ubaadah was surrounded by disbelievers who battered and

tortured him. Now, let us hear the story as told by Sa'd himself: By Allah, I was in such a terrible state in

their mercy, when I saw a group of people from the Quraish approaching me. Among them there was this

white man who looked as bright as daylight, so I said to myself, Well if there is someone among those

people left with the least sense of compassion and mercy, then it must be this man. Unfortunately, as he

came close to me, he raised his fist and punched me severely, so I said to myself that none of them is

kind-hearted enough to come to my rescue. And there I was a prey in their hands as they dragged me

when a man hurried to me and scolded me saying, "Fie on you! Doesn't anyone of the Quraish owe you a

favor of good neighborliness?" I answered, "Yes, of course, I used to help Jubair Ibn Muta'm's traders

and stand by them against those of my people who were unjust to them. I also gave aid to Al-Haarith Ibn

Harb Ibn Umaiyah." Then the man urged me to shout their names and say they owe me the right of good

neighborliness so I did. Then the man rushed to them and told them, "A man from Al-Khazraj is being

beaten in the valley and he is calling out your names and saying that you owe him the right of good

neighborliness." They asked him who I was, and as soon as he told them, they told him that everything I

said was true and rushed to rescue me.

Sa'd left Makkah after this premature assault which made him realize the extent of brutality and

savageness the Quraish were willing to exercise against unarmed people who called for good, truth, and

peace. This assault sharpened his will, and he decided to do his utmost to help the Prophet (PBUH) and

his Companions.

The Prophet (PBUH) emigrated to Al-Madiinah just after the Hijrah of his Companions. There, Sa'd

put his fortune at the disposal of the Muhaajiruun. Sa'd was generous by nature and heredity, being the