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already ended, please make my wounds pave my way to martyrdom. I implore You, dear Allah, not to let

me die until I avenge myself upon Bani Quraidhah!"

Allah will stand by you, Sa'd lbn Mu'aadh! For who could say such a thing in such a situation but

you ? Allah did fulfill his supplication. His injury caused his death a month later, but he did not die until

he had taken his revenge on the Jews of Bani Quraidhah. After the Quraish became desperate in their

attempt to vanquish Al Madiinah and their soldiers were gripped by panic, they took their arms and

equipment and returned to Makkah ashamed and disappointed.

The Prophet (PBUH) believed that Al-Madiinah had been compromised by the deceit and treachery

of the Jews for too long. They left the Muslims in the lurch whenever they chose, a thing that the Prophet

could no longer accept. Therefore, he ordered his Companions to march towards Bani Quraidhah, and

there the Muslims besieged them for 25 days. When the Jews were certain that there was no escape from

the Muslims, they pleaded with the Prophet (PBUH) to let Sa'd lbn Mu'aadh, their ally in pagan times,

decide what would become of them.

The Prophet (PBUH) sent his Companions to bring Sa'd from his tent at the mosque. He came

carried on a camel and he looked so pale and sick. The Prophet (PBUH) addressed him, "Sa`d, decide

what should be done to Bani Quraidhah." Sa`d remembered their treachery and deceit in general and in

the Battle of Al Khandaq in particular, when Al-Madiinah had come too close to its ruin, and said, "I say

kill their warriors, capture their children, and distribute their money." Thus Sa`d did not die until he had

taken his revenge.

Sa`d's wounds became worse every day. One day, the Prophet (PBUH) visited Sa'd and found him

on the verge of death, so he put his head on his blessed lap and called upon Allah, "O Allah, Our Lord,

Sa'd has striven hard in the way of Allah. He believed in Your Prophet and did his very best. So please

do accept his soul with goodly acceptance." The words of the Prophet (PBUH) fell like coolness and

safety on the departing noble soul. He strove to open his eyes, hoping that the last face he saw would be

the Prophet's and said, "Peace be upon you, Prophet. I do witness that you are indeed the Messenger of


The Prophet (PBUH) took a farewell look of Sa`d's face and said, "Rejoice, Abu `Amr." Abu Sa`iid

Al-Khudriy (May Allah be pleased with him) said, "I was one of those who dug Sa'd's grave, and each

time we dug out a layer of sand, we smelled musk. This went on until we reached his burial niche." Sa'd's

death was a tragic loss for the Muslims. Their only consolation was when they heard the Prophet

(PBUH) say, "The throne of the Most Beneficent shook when Sa'd lbn Mu'aadh died."