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He was the ideal hero whose motto was "Actions speak louder than words." His faith in Allah and

His Messenger and His religion was strong and firm. He never stayed away from the Messenger in any

setting, and in every battle he sought martyrdom more than he sought victory.

On the Day of Uhud, when the fight between the believers and the polytheists was very fierce, Zaid

was fighting boldly. His brother `Umar Ibn Al-khattaab (May Allah be pleased with him) saw him as his

shield fell down and he was within reach of the enemies. `Umar cried, `O Zaid, take my shield and fight

with it!" Zaid replied, `I want martyrdom as you want it." He continued fighting without his shield with

astonishing heroism.

As we mentioned before, Zaid (May Allah be pleased with him) was longing to meet Ar-Rajjaal,

wishing to put an end to his devilish life.

In Zaid's opinion, Ar-Rajjaal was not only an apostate but also a hypocrite and self-seeker. Zaid was

like his brother `Umar Ibn Al -khattaab in his abhorrence of hypocrisy and lying, especially when

hypocrisy aimed at selfish gain and mean purposes. For those mean purposes Ar-Rajjaal committed his

atrocious acts, resulting in the numbers of Musailamah's supporters greatly increasing and causing great

numbers of deaths in the Apostate Battles . First he deceived them, and finally he led them to their deaths

for the sake of his devilish hopes.

Zaid prepared himself to conclude his faithful life by annihilating that impiety not only in

Musailamah's person but also in Ar-Rajjaal Ibn `Unfuwah, who was more dangerous and more cunning.

The Day of Al-Yamaamah began gloomy and dim. Khaalid Ibn Al-Waliid gathered the Army of

Islam and directed it to its positions and left the leadership of the army to Zaid lbn Al-Khattaab, who

fought Bani Haniifah, the followers of Musailamah, boldly and fiercely. At the beginning, the battle was

leaning towards the side of the polytheists, and many of the Muslims fell as martyrs. Zaid saw the

feelings of horror in the hearts of some Muslims, so he climbed a hill and cried, "O people! Grit your

teeth, fight your enemy and go straight By Allah, I'll never speak till Allah beats them or I meet Him and

then I give my evidence." Then he descended, gritting his teeth, pressing this lips, never moving his

tongue with even a whisper.

His only hope was to kill Ar-Rajjaal, so he began to penetrate the enemy army like an arrow

searching for its target, until he saw him.

Then he began to attack him from right and left. Whenever the deluge of the battle swallowed Ar-

Rajjaal and hid him, Zaid dived towards him until the waves pushed him to the surface again. Zaid

approached him and stretched out his sword towards him, but the furious human waves swallowed Ar-

Rajjaal again. Then Zaid followed and dived after him so as not to allow him to escape.

At last, Zaid held him by his neck and with the sword, he cut off his head which was full of vanity,

lies, and villainy. By the death of the great liar, the ranks of its whole army began to fall. Musailamah

and Al-Mahkam lbn At-Tufail were filled with horror. The killing of Ar-Rajjaal spread in Musailamah's

army like a fire on a stormy day.

Musailamah used to promise them inevitable victory and that he, Ar-Rajjaal, and Al-Mahkam Ibn

Attufail would promulgate their new religion and establish their state on the day following their victory!

Now that Ar-Rajjaal was killed, the whole prophecy of Musailamah was seen as a lie, and tomorrow Al-

Mahkam and Musailamah would meet the same fate. Thus the fatal blow of Zaid Ibn Al-Khattaab caused

all that destruction in the lines of Musailamah.

No sooner did the Muslims hear the news than they were filled with pride and dignity. The wounded

men rose again holding their swords, taking no interest in their wounds.