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brother." We looked at him, and we could see more than 70 stabs. His finger was cut off. We tried to

remedy his condition.

In all the different events and battles, Talhah was always to be found in the forefront fighting in the

cause of Allah, redeeming the Prophet's standard.

Talhah lived among the Muslim community, worshipping Allah with the worshipers, fighting in the

cause of Allah with those who fought for truth, following the basic principles of the new religion which

was revealed in order to bring people all people out of darkness into light.

After he fulfilled his duties towards Allah, he went on seeking the bounty of Allah, expanding and

promoting his successful trade and business.

Talhah was one of the wealthiest Muslims. His whole fortune was put in the service of his religion,

the standard of which he carried with the Prophet (PBUH). He spent it without measure, and so Allah

increased it for him without measure.

The Prophet (PBUH) called him "Talhah the Excellent", " Talhah the Splendid and "Talhah the

Generous" to demonstrate his bountiful generosity.

How often did he give his whole fortune away. Then Allah the Ever-Generous returned it to him

manifold! His wife Su'adaa Bint `Awf reported: Once I approached Talhah. I saw him worried and asked

him, "What's the matter?" He said, "The money which I possess is now so abundant that it worries me

and makes me feel distressed." I told him, "Never mind, I'll distribute it." He set out to call people and to

divide it among them till there wasn't a single dirham left.

On another occasion, he sold his land for a very high price, and when he looked at the pile of

money, his tears rolled down and he said, " A man in whose house all that money is to remain for a night

and he doesn't know for sure what will happen to him is certainly deceived by Allah."

Then he called some of his companions to carry his money with them and walk through the streets

of Al-Madiinah distributing it until in the last part of the night he was without a single dirham of that


Jaabir Ibn Abd Allah described his wealth saying, "I never saw anybody giving out so much money

without being asked as did Talhah lbn Ubaid Allah."

He was one of the kindest toward his relatives and kin. He supported them all, though they were

numerous. It was once said about him, "He never left an orphan without supporting him and his

dependents. He provided for the marriage of the unmarried ones, he provided service for the disabled

ones, and paid the debts of the indebted ones.

As-Saa'i'b Ibn Zaid once said, " I accompanied Talhah during travels and during times of settlement.

I never saw anybody more generous in terms of money, clothes, and food than Talhah."

The well known civil strife broke out during the caliphate of `Uthmaan. Talhah supported the

argument of `Uthmaan's opponents, standing on their side in most of their quests to witness change and


Did he therefore, in such a position, call for `Uthmaan's murder, or even feel pleased by it? Never!

If he had known that the civil strife would develop in such a way, bursting into mad spite, expressing

itself in such cruel crime, the victim of which was "The Man of Two Lights" Uthmaan (May Allah be

pleased with him)... We say, if he had known that the civil strife would in the long run lead to such an

end and such a conflict, he would have resisted it, and it would have been resisted by the rest of the