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The Falcon on the Day of Uhud

"Of the believers are men who have been true to their pledge to GOD, from them some have

fulfilled their pledges, and some are still in hope of doing so, and they never change at heart" (33 : 23).

The Prophet (PBUH) recited this glorious verse and then turned to his Companions, pointed to

Talhah and said, "Anyone who wants to please himself by looking at a man walking on the earth who has

fulfilled his pledge of martyrdom Should look at Talhah."

The Prophet's Companions never wished nor did their hearts ever aspire and long for a better

announcement than the one the Prophet (PBUH) directed to Talhah Ibn `Ubaid Allah. By such words he

could feel Secure towards his destiny and fate. He was going to live and die as One of those who have

been true to their pledge so that neither civil strife could affect him lassitude influence him, nor any kind


The Prophet (PBUH) announced Paradise to him. How then was the life of Such a one who

deserved this fine announcement?

He was trading in the land of Basraa, when he met One of the most virtuous monks there. He told

him that a Prophet who was going to appear in the Sacred Land and whose appearance was prophesied

by all virtuous prophets had risen and his era had already begun. Talhah was very much afraid to miss

the procession of guidance, mercy, and Salvation.

When Talhah returned to his homeland Makkah after having spent months in Basraa and traveling

around, he found a lot of talk taking place here and there. Whenever he met someone or a group of

Makkah inhabitants they would talk to him about Muhammad the Trustworthy, about the angel sent

down to him, about the mission he was carrying to the Arabs in particular and all people in general.

The first thing he asked about was Abu Bakr. He learned that Abu Bakr had returned with a caravan

and trade not long ago and that he was standing at the side of Muhammad, believing in and defending


Talhah said to himself, "Muhammad and Abu Bakr? By Allah, both of them would never join each

other and agree upon falsehood. 1 Muhammad has already reached the age of 40. In all these years we've

never heard him speak one single lie. Is it possible that he would now lie about Allah and say, `He sent

me as a prophet and He sent me an angel'? It's something hard to believe."

He quickened his steps, directing them towards Abu Bakr's house. They did not talk for long

because his long aspiration to meet the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and to swear to him the oath of

allegiance was much faster than his heartbeats.

Abu Bakr accompanied him to the Prophet (PBUH) and he soon embraced Islam, joining there and

then the blessed ranks!

That is how Talhah became one of the very early converts.

Despite his honorable rank among his clan, his vast wealth, and his successful trade, be had to taste

his own portion of the Quraish's persecution. The task of torturing him and Abu Bakr was given to