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opposition against him (Aliy) at a time when it was not obvious that it would intensify and develop into a

more serious conflict until it turned into a dreadful crime.

When he took his place on the day of Al-Jamal amidst the army fighting against the Ibn Abi Taalib

which sought to take revenge for `Uthmaan's murder, he wished that his position would be an atonement

making him feel at ease towards the pressure of his conscience. Before the start of the battle he was

supplicating with a voice choked with tears saying, "O my Lord, accept me this day in favor of `Uthmaan

until You are pleased."

When they met `Aliy face to face, he and Az-Zubair both said they felt illuminated by `Aliy's words

and thereby saw it to be right to leave the battlefield.

However, martyrdom had been reserved for them. Indeed, martyrdom was his fate, and he was to

meet it and it was to meet him, wherever he was.

Did not the Prophet (PBUH) once say about him, "He's one of those who passed away. Whoever

wants to please himself by seeing a martyr walking on the earth, go let him look at Talhah." Thereby did

the martyr meet his inevitable fate, and the Battle of Al-Jamal was over. The Mother of the Believers

realized that she had made a hasty decision; therefore she left Al-Basrah for the Sacred House and then

Al-Madiinah, keeping aloof from the fighting and dispute. Imam `Aliy provided her with all means of

comfort and respect.

When `Aliy inspected all the martyrs of the battle, he set out to pray the funeral prayer upon them,

those who fought on his side as well as those who fought against him.

When he finished burying Talhah and Az-Zubair, he stood saluting them for the last time. He

finished his words saying, "I wish to be with Talhah and Az-Zubair and `Uthmaan among those whom

Allah described thus: "We removed from their hearts any malice therein, as brothers they shall rest upon

couches facing each other " (15: 47).

Then he gazed at their grave with kind, gentle, pure, and sad eyes saying, "I've heard with my two

ears the Prophet (PBUH) saying, "Talhah and Az-Zubair are my neighbors in Paradise".