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The Messenger (PBUH) asked a group of the Bani Salamah tribe, the tribe of `Amr Ibn Al-Jamuuh,

"Who is your chief, O Bani Salamah?" They answered, "Al-Jad Ibn Qais, inspite of his being a miser."

He (PBUH) said, "No, your chief is the white curly haired Amr Ibn Al-Jamuuh." This testimony from the

Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was a great honor to Ibn Al-Jamuuh.

As `Amr Ibn Al-Jamuuh dedicated his money in the cause of Allah, so he was willing to sacrifice

his soul and life as well. But how? There was a severe lameness in his leg that made him invalid for

participating in battle. He had four sons who were all strong Muslim men. They used to go out with the

Messenger (PBUH) in expeditions, persisting in doing their duty of fighting. However, `Amr tried to go

out in the Battle of Badr. His sons implored the Prophet (PBUH) to persuade him not to go out, or even

to order him if he was not persuaded. So, the Prophet (PBUH) told him that Islam exempted him from

jihaad because of his severe lameness. When he began pleading, the Prophet (PBUH) ordered him to stay

in Al Madiinah.

When the Battle of Uhud came, `Amr went to the Prophet (PBUH), imploring him to permit him.

He said, "O Messenger of Allah, my sons want to prevent me from going out with you to fight. By Allah,

I want to walk proudly with my lameness in Paradise." As he strongly insisted, the Prophet (PBUH)

permitted him to go out. So, he took his weapon and set out to walk happily, invoking Allah in a

submissive voice, "O Allah, bestow martyrdom upon me and don't return me to my family."

When the two rival forces met on the Day of Uhud, `Amr Ibn Al-Jamuuh and his four sons set out

striking the polytheists with their swords. Amr was walking proudly in the middle of the fierce battle.

With each step his sword cut off the head of a polytheist. He struck with his right hand, then looked

around at the highest part of the horizon, as if hastening the arrival of the angel who would make him die

and accompany him to Paradise.

Yes, he asked his Lord for martyrdom, being sure that Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He above all,

would respond to him. He was very much eager to walk proudly with his lame leg in Paradise so that its

people would know that Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), knew how to select his

Companions and how to develop men.

That which he had been waiting for happened. A sword blow announced the time of the advance of

a glorious martyr to the Paradise of immortality.

When the Muslims were burying their martyrs, the Messenger (PBUH) repeated his order which we

have already heard elsewhere: "Put `Abd Allah Ibn `Amr Ibn Hiraam and Amr lbn Al-Jamuuh in one

grave; they were loving and sincere to each other in this world."

The two loving friends, the two martyrs, were buried in one grave under the battlefield that received

their pure souls and witnessed their extraordinary bravery.

Forty-six years after they and their companions had been buried, a violent torrent descended and

covered the graveyard, because of a fountain head of water that Mu`aawiyah made. The Muslims hurried

to remove the martyrs' bodies. It was a surprise, however, to find them as those who participated in

removing their bodies described: "Having soft bodies and flexible limbs."

As Jaabir Ibn `Abd Allah was still alive, he went with his family to remove the bodies of his father,

`Abd Allah Ibn `Amr Ibn Hiraam, and his aunt's husband, `Amr lbn Al-Jamuuh. However, he found them

in their grave as if they were sleeping. They were not changed at all: their faces even had the same smile

of happiness that they had had the day they were summoned to meet Allah.

Are you surprised? No, do not be. The great, pious, pure souls that have controlled their destinies

usually leave in the bodies that once were their refuge, a kind of immunity that wards off the

decomposing factors and the influence of the soil.