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It was as though this noble religion Islam wanted to give humanity a new lesson of greatness and

heroism. Only this time, both its subject matter and its tutor were one and the same person, Habiib Ibn


Musailamah the Liar called upon people to witness one of his so-called memorable days. The

messenger of the Prophet, Habiib Ibn Zaid, was brought in. It was clear from his wounds and bruises that

he had been abused and tortured severely by those criminals. They thought that they could strip him of

his valor so that he might appear in a state of complete humiliation and defeat before the crowd. They

hoped that he would then give Musailamah the credibility he craved when he called upon him to witness

to his fake prophethood before the crowd. Thus, the notorious liar would be able to make a fake miracle

that would cement his prestige among those whom he deluded.

Therefore, Musailamah asked Habiib, "Do you bear witness that Muhammad is, indeed, the

Messenger of Allah?" Habiib answered boldly, "Yes, I do bear witness that Muhammad is, indeed, the

Messenger of Allah." Musailamah's face went white with humiliation and embarrassment yet he asked,

"Do you bear witness that I am the Messenger of Allah?" Habiib scornfully replied, "Nonsense!"

The impostor Musailamah's humiliated face darkened with spiteful madness. His scheme had failed.

His torture of Habiib had been futile. He was slapped so fiercely before the crowd which he himself had

gathered to witness his so-called miracle. This slap was so strong that it shattered his assumed dignity

once and for all. He became as violent as a wounded bull as he summoned his executioner, who rushed

and stabbed Habiib's body with his sword. He slew him, cutting his body into small pieces, one by one

Habiib made no sound beside chanting stoically, "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His


It was as though he wanted to celebrate his Islam until the very last moment of his life. Now, if

Habiib, on that day, had tried to escape this horrible death by a pretense of his faith in Musailamah's

prophethood, his faith would not have been questioned, doubted or blemished in any way. But he was a

man who had witnessed the Second Pledge of Al-'Aqabah along with his father, mother, brother, and

aunt, and ever since those decisive blessed moments he had carried upon his shoulders the responsibility

that ensued his oath and faith to the fullest. He could not for a moment hold his life and principles as

separable. Therefore, he found a rare opportunity to win his life once and for all. His life was an

embodiment of his faith. It embodied his stead-fastness, greatness, heroism, sacrifice, and martyrdom for

the sake of Right and Truth, the splendor of which surpassed all victories.

The Prophet received the sad news of Habiib's martyrdom with patience, for Allah's inspiration

made him see the future fate of Musailamah. He could almost see his death with his own eyes. As for

Nusaibah bint Ka'b, Habiib's mother, she gnashed her teeth for a long while on hearing the terrible deed,

then she swore a solemn oath to avenge her son's death upon Musailamah and to thrust her sword and

spear right into his wicked body.

It seemed that fate watched her anguish, patience, and courage on receiving this news and showed

great admiration and sympathy for her calamity and decided all at once to stand by her until she fulfilled

her oath.

After a short while, the Battle of Al-Yamaamah took place. Abu Bakr As-Siddiiq, the Prophet's

caliph, organized an army to march to Al-Yamama where Musailamah had already organized a huge


Nusaibah marched along with the Muslim army and threw herself into the battlefield armed with a

sword in her right hand and a spear in her left one. She kept on shouting, "Where are you Musailamah,

you enemy of Allah?"

When Musailamah was killed and his followers were like carded wool, the standards of Islam

fluttered victoriously and proudly. Nusaibah's strong and brave body was strained with spear wounds .

She stood there recalling the amiable face of her beloved son that seemed to linger about the place.