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A Legend of Sacrifice and Love

In the Second Pledge of a `Aqabah which has been mentioned many times, 70 men and two women

of Al-Madiinah gave their allegiance to the Prophet (PBUH). Among those blessed men and women

were Habiib lbn Zaid and his father Zaid lbn `Aasim (May Allah be pleased with both of them). His

mother was Nusaibah bint Ka'b, one of the two women who were the first to give allegiance to the

Prophet (PBUH). The second woman was his maternal aunt. Thus, he was a veteran believer in whose

backbone and ribs faith ran rather than blood. He lived near the Prophet (PBUH) after he emigrated to

Al-Madiinah. There, he never missed an expedition in the cause of Allah or lagged behind.

One day the south of the Arab Peninsula witnessed the emergence of two presumptuous and

arrogant liars who claimed prophethood and tried to drag people into the swamp of sin and disbelief. One

of these impostors was called Al-Aswad Ibn Ka'b Al `Aansiy, from San'aa'. The other was Musailamah

the Liar from Al Yamaamah. Both impostors incited people against the believers in their tribes who

responded to what Allah ordained and who believed in His Prophet. They also goaded them against the

Prophet's messengers whom he sent to their lands. Moreover, they even went so far as to ignite suspicion

against prophethood itself and committed hideous mischief in the land, causing corruption and disbelief.

One day, the Prophet (PBUH) was surprised when a messenger arrived with a message from

Musailamah in which he said, "From Musailamah Allah's Prophet to Muhammad Allah's Prophet. Peace

be upon you. We are your partner in prophethood; consequently, we have half of the earth and the

Quraish has the other half , but the Quraish want unjustly to have it all!"

The Prophet (PBUH) summoned one of his scribes and dictated this answer to Musailamah: "In the

name of Allah, the Most Beneficient, the Most Merciful. From Muhammad the Prophet of Allah to

Musailamah the Liar. Peace be upon those who followed the right path. Verily, the earth is Allah's. He

gives it as a heritage to whom He will of His slaves and the blessed end is for the pious and righteous

persons who fear Allah."

The Prophet's words were direct and crystal clear. They exposed the liar of the Bani Haniifah who

thought that prophethood was a kingdom, so he demanded his piece of the cake, namely, half the earth

and its people. The messenger carried the Prophet's answer to Musailamah, yet it only made him more

mischievous and corrupt.

He went on spreading his falsehood and slander and went on abusing the believers and instigating

people against them. The Prophet (PBUH) thought it best to give him one last chance, so he sent a

message to convince him not to commit any more of his folly. He picked Habiib Ibn Zaid as his

messenger. Habiib hastened enthusiastically with the glorious mission the Prophet (PBUH) had entrusted

him with. He hoped that Musailamah's heart would be guided to the right path and that he would

rewarded endlessly in the Hereafter.

The traveler reached his destination. Musailamah the Liar read the Prophet's message, but he was

blinded by its light, which only made him more aberrant and arrogant.

Musailamah was really no more than a flagrant liar. He indeed behaved accordingly. He lacked the

least manliness, sense of honor or decency of the Arabs which might have prevented him from shedding

the blood of a messenger, which was highly respected and even held sacred by all Arabs.