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Whenever Ubaiy addressed people, he was like a magnet that attracted their attention and interest.

He feared no one but Allah and desired nothing of life. When Islam gained more lands and influence and

he saw that Muslims flattered their rulers, he warned saying, "They are ruined and will ruin others. I

don't pity them, but I pity the Muslims that they will ruin."

His extreme piety and fear of Allah made him cry whenever Allah or the Day of Judgment was

mentioned. The noble Qur'aan's verses shook his heart and soul whenever he recited them or heard them

recited. Yet a certain verse made him incredibly sad: "He has the power to send torment on you from

above or from under your feet, or to cover you with confusion in party strife, and make you to taste the

violence of one another" (6:65).

The thing that Ubaiy most dreaded was that one day the Islamic nation would suffer turmoil and

violence at the hands of its own sons. He always asked Allah's safely and protection. He won it by

Allah's mercy and grace and met Allah as a true believer who felt completely secure and rewarded.