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Rejoice, Abu Amr!

He committed himself to Islam at the age of 31 and won martyrdom at 37. This seven years lapse

was a tough one in which Sa'd lbn Mu`aadh (May Allah be pleased with him) exerted all his energy in

the service of Allah and His Messenger (PBUH).

Look Do you see that handsome, gallant, tall man with a radiant face? He is the one. He ran quickly

to As'ad Ibn Zuraarah to see this man who came from Makkah, Mus`ab Ibn `Umair, whom Muhammad

(PBUH) had sent to Al-Madiinah to call people to commit themselves to Islam and monotheism. He was

going there to drive this stranger out of Al-Madiinah along with his religion. But no sooner had he

approached Mus`ab's assembly at the house of his nephew, As'ad Ibn Zuraarah, than his heart was

revived by a sweet pacifying breeze. No sooner had he reached those men who gathered there, taken his

place among them and listened intently to Mus`ab's words than Allah guided him to the right path that

illuminated his heart and soul. In one of the incredible miracles of fate, the leader of the Ansaar put aside

his spear and shook hands with Mus`ab as a sign of his allegiance to the Prophet (PBUH).

A new sun shone on Al-Madiinah as soon as Sa'd Ibn Mu'aadh committed himself to Islam. It would

encompass many hearts that would revolve in the sphere of Islam later on. Sa'd committed himself to

Islam and withstood the hardships that ensued with much heroism and greatness. When the Prophet

(PBUH) emigrated to

Al-Madiinah, the houses of Bani Al-Ashhal - Sa'd's tribe - welcomed the Muhaajiruun, and their money

was utterly at their disposal without arrogance, abuse, or limitation.

When the Battle of Badr was about to take place, the Prophet (PBUH) gathered his Companions, both

Ansaar and Muhaajiruun, to consult them on the preparations for war. His amiable face turned towards

the Ansaar and he addressed them saying, "I want to know your opinion about what should be done

concerning the imminent battle."

Sa`d Ibn Mu'aadh stood up and said "O Prophet of Allah, we firmly believe in you, and we witness

that what descends on you is the truth. We swore a solemn oath and gave you the allegiance, so go ahead

with whatever you want, and we shall stand by your side. We swear by Allah Who has sent you with the

truth that if you reach the sea and cross it, we will cross it hand in hand with you. No man will lag or stay

behind. We are absolutely ready to go to war against our enemy tomorrow for we are given to terrible

warfare and we are sincere in our desire to meet Allah. I hope that Allah will make us do what will make

you proud of us. So go on with whatever is in your mind. Allah bless you."

Sa'd's words made the Prophets' face brighten with satisfaction and happiness as he addressed the

Muslims and said, "Rejoice, for Allah promised me one of the two parties of the enemy (either the army

or the caravan). By Allah I can almost see with my own eyes where each one of the enemy will be


In the Battle of Uhud, the Muslims lost control and dispersed as they were taken by surprise by the

army of disbelievers. Everything was hectic, yet Sa'd lbn Mu'aadh stood there as if pinned to the ground

next to the Prophet (PBUH). He defended him courageously as a noble warrior should do.

The Battle of Al-Khandaq came as a suitable opportunity for Sa`d to show his admirable manliness

and amazing valor. The Khandaq Battle came as a clear sign for the shrewd and deceitful schemes with

which Muslims were being ruthlessly haunted by an enemy who had no consideration whatsoever for

justice or covenant. For while the Prophet (PBUH) and his Companions were living in Al-Madiinah in

peace, reminding one another to worship and obey Allah, hoping that the Quraish would refrain from