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The Prophet's Disciple!

It is almost impossible to mention Talhah without mentioning Az-Zubair, too, and almost

impossible to mention Az-Zubair without mentioning Talhah as well.

When the Prophet (PBUH) was fraternizing with his Companions in Makkah before the Hijrah to

Al-Madiinah, he fraternized with Talhah and Az-Zubair.

The Prophet (PBUH) often talked about them together, for example in his statement "Talhah and Ar-

Zubair are my neighbors in Paradise."

Both of them were linked to the Prophet (PBUH) through relationship and descent. As for Talhah he

is linked to the Prophet (PBUH) through Murah lbn Ka'b. Zubair's lineage is linked to the Prophet

through Qusaii Ibn Kulaab. In addition to that, his mother Safiah is the Prophet's paternal aunt.

Talhah and Az-Zubair resembled each other tremendously in their fates. The similarity between

them was enormous in terms of their upbringing, their wealth, their generosity, their religious solidarity,

and their magnificent bravery. Both of them were early converts to Islam. Both of them were among the

ten to whom Paradise was promised by the Prophet (PBUH) and among the six whom `Umar entrusted

with the duty of choosing the next caliph following him. Even their destiny was one of complete

similarity. In fact was one destiny.

As mentioned, Az-Zubair's embracement of Islam was an early one. Indeed he was one of the first

seven who quickened their steps towards Islam and played a role with the blessed early converts at Daar

Al-Arqam. At that time he was 15 years old; that is how he was endowed with guidance, light, and all the

good while still a youth.

He was a horseman and a bold warrior from childhood, to the extent that historians mention that the

first sword lifted in Islam was Az-Zubair's sword.

In the very early days of Islam, while the Muslims were still few in number, hiding in Daar Al-

Arqam, a rumor spread that the Prophet (PBUH) had been killed. Az-Zubair had hardly heard that when

he unsheathed his sword and hurried through the streets of Makkah although still so young.

First he went to learn the truth of what had been said, determined that if it were true, he would cut

the whole of the Quraish into pieces until they killed him.

On the high hills of Makkah, the Prophet (PBUH) met him and asked, "What's the matter?" Az-

Zubair told him the news. The Prophet (PBUH) prayed for him and asked Allah to bestow mercy and all

good upon him, and victory upon his sword.

Despite Az-Zubair's nobility among his clan, he had to carry the burden of the Quraish's persecution

and torment. It was his uncle who was in charge of his torture. He wrapped him in a mat, set it on fire to

let him suffocate, and called to him while he was under the pressure of severe torture, "Disbelieve in

Muhammad's Lord and I will ward off this torture."

Az-Zubair, who was at that time no more than a growing youth, replied in a horrible challenging

way, "No! By Allah, I won't return to polytheism ever again."