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Indeed, it was a blessing given by Allah to His virtuous worshiper, as He gave to Maryam (Mary,

mother of Jesus) daughter of `Imraan before: "Whenever Zakariya entered the sanctuary he found her

furnished with provision, he said, "O Mary from where did you get this?" She said. "It is from GOD,

surely GOD provides who He pleases without measure" (3 : 37).

The polytheists brought him the news of the death of his companion Zaid Ibn Ad-Dithinnah (May

Allah be pleased with him). They hoped thereby to break down his nerves. However, they did not know

that Allah, the Most Merciful, had invited him into His hospitality, blessing him with divine tranquility

and mercy.

They set Out to bargain with him over his faith, promising to save his life if he disbelieved in

Muhammad and his Lord, but they were like children trying to catch the sun by a mere arrow-shot.

Indeed, Khubaib's faith was like the sun in its strength, flame, light, and far-reachedness. He shed

light upon those seeking light and warmed those seeking warmth, but the one who approached him to

challenge him would be burned and destroyed.

When they lost hope of reaching their desire, they took the hero to face his destiny. They took him

to a place called At- Tan'iim, where he would be killed.

As soon as they reached this place, Khubaib asked them to allow him to pray two rak'ahs. They

allowed him with the hope that he would make up his mind to announce his surrender and disbelief in

Allah, His Messenger and His religion.

Solemnly, peacefully and humbly Khubaib prayed two rak'ahs.

He felt the sweetness of faith within his soul, so that he wished that he could keep on praying and

praying. However, he turned toward his killers and said to them, "By Allah, were it not for your thinking

that I'm afraid of death, I would have continued praying." Then he lifted his hands towards the sky and

said, "O Allah! Count them one by one and then perish them all!" Then he scanned their faces intently

and set out singing:

When I am being martyred as a Muslim,

I do not care in what way I receive my death

For Allah's sake.

If He wishes,

He will bless the cut limbs.

It was perhaps the first time in Arab history to crucify a man then kill him on the cross. They had

prepared out of palm tree trunks a huge cross on which they fixed Khubaib, his limbs tied tightly. The

polytheists gathered in obvious glee at his suffering while spearmen prepared their lances.

All that cruelty was intentionally performed slowly in front of the crucified hero. He did not close

his eyes, and amazing tranquility beamed from his face. Then spears began to skirmish and swords to

tear his flesh into pieces.

One of the Quraish leaders approached him saying, `Would you like Muhammad to be in your place

and you be healthy and secure among your kin?"

Only then did Khubaib burst like a thunderstorm, shouting to his killers, "By Allah, I woud not like

to be among my relatives and sons enjoying all the world's health and well-being while even a tiny thorn

hurts the Prophet."