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The Matchless!

Do you remember Sa'iid Ibn `Aamir ? That ascetic and steady worshiper who was forced by the

Commander of the Faithful `Umar to accept the governorship of Syria?

We spoke about him in the first part of this book, and we saw the wonder of wonders while talking

about his asceticism, his renouncement of all worldly pleasure, and his piety.

But now we will meet on these pages a brother of his, better to say a twin brother, an identical twin

in terms of piety, asceticism, elevation and greatness of soul, which is actually incomparable.

It is `Umair Ibn Sa'd. He was called by the Muslims "The Matchless". What do you think about a

man about whom there was a public consensus that he deserved that title, a consensus of the Prophet's

Companions, with all the merit, enlightment, and intellect they possessed?

His father was Sa'd, the reciter (May Allah be pleased with him). He experienced the Battle of Badr

with the Messenger of Allah and all the following events and stayed loyal to his oath till he passed away

as a martyr in the Battle of Al-Qaadisiyah. 1

He brought his son with him to the Prophet (PBUH) to swear the oath of allegiance and to embrace


From the day `Umair embraced Islam, he turned into a worshiper dwelling at Allah's mihrab (prayer

niche), escaping and running away from the lights of fame, withdrawing to the tranquility and calmness

of shadow.

It is absolutely out of the question that you find him in the front rows, except the row of prayer he

stations himself in the front row to be granted the reward of the highest in faith - and the rows of jihaad -

he hastens to the front row, hoping to be one of the martyrs. Other than that, he is dedicated to attaining

righteousness, piety, and virtue. He is a returner to Allah, weeping for his sins! He is a devotee to Allah,

hoping to be accepted as a faithful returner to Him ! He is a traveler to Allah in all journeys and all


Allah blessed him with his companions love for him. He was the delight of their eyes and the

darling of their hearts. That was because of his strong, firm belief, his pure soul, his calm nature, the

scent of his good qualities, and his beaming appearance. All that made him the joy and pleasure of all

those who met or saw him.

No one and nothing whatsoever was superior to his religion. He once heard Julaas Ibn Suwaid Ibn

As-saamit, one of his close relatives, saying, "If the man is truthful, then we've more evil than mules!"

He meant by "the man" the Prophet (PBUH). Julaas was one of those who embraced Islam out of fear.

When `Umair heard that statement, his calm, quiet spirit burst into anger and confusion. Anger

because one of those who pretended to be a Muslim had insulted the Prophet by this wicked language.

Confusion because a lot of thoughts came quickly to his mind, all revolving around his responsibility

towards what he had just heard and denied.

Should he communicate all that he had heard to the Prophet? How, and what about the

trustworthiness of private meetings? Should he keep silent and leave what he had heard within his

breast? How? And where was his loyalty to the Prophet (PBUH) who was sent by Allah to guide them

after having lived astray and to illuminate them after having lived in darkness?