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They were the same great words spoken by Zaid Ibn Ad Dithinnah when he was being killed! The

same amazing, dazzling strong words Zaid said one day before they were said by Khubaib. At that, Abu

Sufyaan, who had not yet embraced Islam, had to shake his head and say astonished, "By Allah! I've

never seen anybody love somebody else the way Muhammad's companions love Muhammad."

Khubaib's words were so provocative that the spears and swords began to tear the hero's body to

pieces, attacking it with complete madness and cruelty.

Not far away from the scene, birds and buzzards were flying around as if waiting for the butchers to

end their task and leave the spot so that they could approach the fresh dead body to have a delicious

meal. However, soon they called to one another and gathered, and their beaks moved as if whispering

and talking. Suddenly they flew away in the sky, far, far away. They smelled by their instinct the scent of

a pious, repentant man which spread from his crucified body, so they were ashamed to approach him or

to hurt him. The flock of birds flew away, just and pure, into the vastness of space.

The group of malicious polytheists returned to their dens in Makkah while the dead body of the

martyr stayed there, guarded by a group of Quraishi spearmen.

When they were lifting Khubaib onto the palm trunk cross and tying him firmly, Khubaib turned his

face towards the sky asking his Ever Magnificent Lord, "Allah! We fulfilled the mission of Your

Messenger. Inform him in the early morning of what is happening to us.

Allah responded to his prayer. while he was in Al-Madiinah, the Prophet (PBUH) was filled with a

strong feeling that his Companions were facing a severe trial, and he could almost see the crucified dead

body of one of them.

Immediately the Prophet (PBUH) sent for Al-Miqdaad lbn `Amr and Az-Zubair lbn Al-'Awaam.

They mounted their horses and set off to cross the land rapidly. Allah guided them to their desired

destination. They lowered Khubaib's body to a pure spot of ground waiting to shelter him under its moist


No one knows to this day where Khubaib's grave lies. May be that is better and more respectable for

him so that he remains in history's memory and in the conscience of life a hero, a hero on the cross.