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The expedition set off towards its destination until they reached a place between `Asafaan and

Makkah. News of them reached an area of Hudhail called Bani Hayaan. They hastened to them with 100

of their most skillful spearmen. They set out to pursue them and to follow their tracks.

They almost lost them but for the fact that one of them found some discarded date pits on the sand.

He picked them up and, with the amazing skill Arabs were famous for, glanced at them, then shouted

loudly so that the others could hear him, "They are date pits from Yathrib 1 . Let's follow them and they

will surely guide us. They followed the discarded date pits until they could see in the distance what they

were searching for.

`Aasim, the expedition's leader, felt that they were being chased, so he ordered his companions to

mount the high peak of a mountain. The 100 spearmen approached and surrounded the foot of the

mountain and besieged them thoroughly.

They asked them to surrender themselves after giving them their word not to hurt them. The ten

turned to their leader, Aasim Ibn Thaabit Al-Ansaariy (May Allah be pleased with them all), and waited

for his command. He then said, As for me, by Allah, I will never let myself fall into the protection of a

polytheist. May Allah inform our Prophet about us."

The spearmen then began to throw their spears at them. Their leader Aasim was wounded and died

as a martyr. In the same way seven others were wounded and died as martyrs.

The rest were then called and promised that they would be safe if they came down. The three

descended, Khubaib and his two friends. The spearmen approached Khubaib and his companion,

Zaid Ibn Ad-Dithinnah, and tied them up. Their third one recognized the beginning of their deceipts,

so he decided to die there where `Aasim and his companions had fallen. He died where he wished.

That is how some of the greatest, most faithful, most loyal to Allah and his Prophet (PBUH), and

most sincere believers passed away. Khubaib and Zaid tried to untie themselves, but they were fled very

thoroughly and tightly.

The deceptive spearmen took them to Makkah where they sold them to the polytheists. The name

of Khubaib reached everyone's ear. The sons of Al-Haarith Ibn Aamir, who had been killed in Badr,

remembered his name very well and were moved by spite and hatred. They hurried to buy him. Most of

the inhabitants of Makkah, who had lost their fathers and leaders in the Battle of Badr, competed in

purchasing him in order to take revenge. They enjoined each other to take revenge on him and

commenced to prepare him for a fate to satisfy their desire for revenge, not directed at him, as such, but

at all the Muslims.

Some other people took Khubaib's companion Zaid Ibn Ad- Dithinnah and set out to torture him


Khubaib submitted his heart, his whole life, and destiny to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. He turned to

His worship with a firm soul, unruffled and fearless, accompanied by a divine tranquility. Even hard,

solid mountain rocks and terror itself might melt and simply vanish due to it.

Allah was with him, and he was with Allah. Allah's hand was over him, and he could almost feel

His fingers within his chest.

One day, one of Al-Haarith's daughters entered where he was kept as a captive at Al-Haarith's

house. She quickly hurried out, calling the people to see an unbelievable thing! `By Allah, I saw him

holding a big bunch of grapes, eating from it while being fettered with iron chains - at a time when there

isn't a single grape in Makkah. I can't think of it except as being a blessing from Allah!"