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A Hero on the Cross!

And now, pave the way for this hero. Come nearer from all directions, from everywhere. Come in

any way you can and strive your utmost, come hurrying and submitting. Approach in order to be taught

the lesson of sacrifice, an incomparable lesson. You will say, Weren't all the stories you have previously

told lessons of incomparable sacrifice?

Indeed, they were lesson of uncomparable magnificence. Nothing whatsoever can be similar to it.

However, you are now in front of a new master illustrating the art of sacrifice, a figure who, if you miss

meeting him, then you have missed a great deal, indeed a great deal. Come to us, all people of faith in

every nation and country. Come to us, lovers of exaltedness in every period and era. And you, too, who

carry a heavy burden of illusion and you whose belief in creed and religions is one of falsehood and

error. Come with your illusion. Come and see how Allah's religion built men. Come and see what glory,

what strength, what firmness, what determination, what sacrifice, what loyalty!

To sum up, what extraordinary and amazing greatness has been granted by the belief in truth to its

sincere followers.

Can you see the crucified body? It is our lesson today - to all mankind! Indeed, the crucified body in

front of you is our subject, our lesson, our master. His name is Khubaib Ibn `Adiy. Remember this name


Remember it, sing it, it is an honor for anyone belonging to any religion, to any sect, belonging to

any ethnic group and living in any era!

He belonged to the Aws tribe from Al-Madiinah. He belonged to the Ansaar.

Since the day of the Prophet's Hijrah to Al-Madiinah and since the day of his belief in Allah, Lord

of the Worlds, he frequently visited the Prophet (PBUH).

His soul, spirit, and conscience were pure, and his belief was firm. He was described by Hassaan lbn

Thaabit, Islam's poet: He looked like a falcon among the Ansaar. Allah endowed him with noble

character and good morals."

When the standards of the Battle of Badr were lifted, he was there, a bold warrior and a daring

fighter. Among the polytheists whom he killed with his sword during the battle was Al-Haarith Ibn

`Aamir Ibn Nawfal.

After the battle was over and the defeated remnants of the Quraish had returned to Makkah, the sons

of Al-Haarith learned that their father had been killed. They learned the name of his killer very well by

heart: Khubaib Ibn `Adiy.

The Muslims returned from Badr to Al-Madiinah and persistently built their new community.

Knubaib was a true worshiper, a pious devotee, carrying the nature of a devotee and the longing

aspiration of a worshiper. There he turned to worship with the spirit of a passionate lover, praying at

night, fasting during the day, glorifying Allah, Lord of the Worlds.

One day the Prophet (PBUH) wanted to know the Quraish's secrets so as to be fully aware of the

target of their movements and any preparations for a new battle. Therefore, he chose ten of his

Companions, among whom was Khubaib, and Aasim lbn Thaabit as leader.